The Monastery welcomes guests wishing to spend a time of solitary silent retreat and to share the Sisters’ liturgical lives for a while. It is offered as a place to all who search for the deep meaning of their existence, a place where, in silence, in recollection, they may simply be attentive to God, pray for their brothers, and find a living communion to the Life to the Three Divine Persons and receive their love.
Learn more by reading Aleteia's travel article, naming our retreat one of the most beautiful Catholic retreats in North America.
When a retreatant arrives at our monastery, a sister introduces him or her to the time of retreat. Retreatants may join the celebration of offices and masses: The schedule of the liturgy celebrated in common includes Matins (6:45am), Mass (7:40am), and Vespers in the evening (5:45pm). A retreatant can receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
While on retreat: he or she Adores the Blessed Sacrament, whether in our main chapel, or in an oratory of adoration in solitude; Is invited to share in the liturgical Offices celebrated twice a day in the chapel, and in the daily Eucharistic celebration; Prays, reads or meditates in the hermitage; Follows the Way of the Cross on a path with stations; Sits on the porch of the hermitage, surrounded by the beauty of the natural world; Walks in designated areas, or hikes through trails; May meet with a sister of the team; and if so wishes may also share in manual work, such as gardening, weeding and painting, which can favor equilibrium and relaxation in the course of the day of prayer.
Eight hermitages and a guest house for groups or families are available for retreat. Each hermitage has a portico, bed, kitchen, bathroom, refectory and an upstairs oratory for prayer and meditation. The hermitages are surrounded by the beauty of the natural world.
One meal is provided and served in an insulated bag which can be picked up at Bethany, a service house close to the hermitages. Breakfast is also provided and can be prepared with the food and equipment provided in the service house or hermitages. Both meals are taken in solitude.
As Saint Bruno says to his brothers who choose to follow him in the desert:
"What benefits and divine exaltation the solitude and silence of the desert hold in store for those who love it, only those who have experienced it can know."
For reservations and availability please call the Monastery at: 845-439-4300
Tuesday - Saturday between 1pm and 3pm